There are several main legal forms of organization in Cyprus:
- Private limited liability company by shares (Private limited liability company by shares)
- Public limited liability company by shares (Public limited liability company by shares)
- Limited liability company by guarantee (Limited liability company by guarantee without share capital / Limited liability company by guarantee with a share capital)
- Investment company (Variable capital investment company)
- Branch of an overseas company (Branch of an overseas company)
- Partnerships
- Trust
Private limited liability company is the most common organizational-legal form in Cyprus due to the simplicity of its registration and support of further activities.
Office and registered office
The law stipulates the obligation of a company to have a valid legal address in the territory of the Republic, where correspondence, etc. can be received.
There are no mandatory requirements for a company to have a real office with staff, however, modern trends dictate their own conditions: today, for the successful functioning of your company, trouble-free opening and smooth operation of your bank account, it is highly recommended for companies to have an office in ownership or lease.
Termination of the company's operations
Cyprus provides for several types of liquidation of a legal entity that has ceased to operate for one reason or another.
Strike-off:- The simplest type of liquidation, taking about 12-15 months and requiring a minimum amount of documents to initiate the procedure
- suitable for companies in good standing, i.e. without any debts to the state and/or third parties
- does not require significant expenses for the procedure, as well as the involvement of third parties (liquidator, etc.).
Voluntary liquidation:- can be initiated by shareholders and/or creditors, by court order
- suitable for companies with outstanding obligations to the state and/or third parties
- can be considered analogous to the bankruptcy of a legal entity (with certain peculiarities)
- is a rather long and complex procedure with a relatively high cost of support
- is carried out with the involvement of the court/liquidator/other persons required for the procedure
Corporate income tax rate at 12.5%. Reporting jurisdiction means the obligation of all companies registered in this zone to keep accounting records, undergo annual audits and file tax returns as prescribed by law.