
Successfully Completed Projects by Gellert Group
  • Major medical equipment supplier – a regular client to whom we provide comprehensive legal consulting on:

    • Corporate law
    • Contract law
    • Banking accounts
  • Contractual support for one of the major suppliers of filters and their components.
  • Full legal support for the redomiciliation of a client company, one of the largest suppliers of soft drinks, from a low-tax jurisdiction to Cyprus.
  • Corporate support for the registration of a company in Cyprus and subsequent legal and technical assistance in relocating a major IT company's office to Cyprus, including employment opportunities for third-country nationals and their families.
For more information on projects and services, please refer to the "Frequently Asked Questions" section or contact us for consultation.
  • Obtaining European licenses and creating infrastructure for the restaurant business in one of the European capitals.
  • Launching IT startups in EU countries.
  • Regulating financial flows of major clients in the industrial sector.
  • Acquiring second citizenship, residence permits, and permanent residency.
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